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3 Games That You Should Play This Month

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I'm sure that I, like many of you, sometimes have difficulties balancing work, school, hobbies, friends, family, significant others, pets, chores, and every other thing under the sun. Too often I find myself with far to little time to just veg out and play random new games, and during these turbulent times, when I do make time for a good game session, I tend to stick to games that I know I will not be disappointed with; I always go for the same genre's or games that are very similar to others that I have played. This unadventurous habit has resulted in my library being stacked with games that I could accurately fit into one of five categories: "sorta like Skyrim," made by Nintendo, "like Amnesiabut not really scary, and actually nothing like Amnesia," "strategy... more-or-less," or "basically just survive."If this sounds like you, then I invite you to partake in a little challenge that I have created for myself.I have recently decided that while the other aspects of my life are probably more important than expanding my gaming horizons I would like to make a better effort to play new and interesting games, and while I simply do not have the time to play every free-to-play or scroll through the endless greenlights on Stream I can probably manage to play (at least a little bit, if not to completion) three new games each month.

I'd like to start by stating that I have not personally played any of the games on this list. These are simply games that, for various reasons, have captured my attention. If you buy any of these games and they turn out to be terrible I take zero responsibility for your lost funds (but if you ask I'll apologize, I'm Canadian and super good at apologizing.)

1. Dwarf Fortress

Ok, I'm not going to lie, this game might be a little bit overly ambitious for this list. Dwarf Fortress is a deeply complex strategy game in which you control a dwarven outpost. There are no real objectives in this randomly generated world, and crazy and absurd events are likely to occur. This game was recommended to me by a good friend who is very much into this game, he has played numerous games and restarted countless times, but he assures me that it's worth it (for reasons other than Dwarves beating off enemies with severed limbs amongst other bizarre happenings).

-Screenshots from Dwarf Fortress.

One of the main reasons why I have not playedDwarf Fortressyet is that it seems to be very complex, and so much so that I am unsure of how much time I would need to dedicate to learning how to play. There's also the graphics; they are not exactly cutting edge, but I think with a little bit of imagination the narrative provided could easily make up for the lack of traditional visuals.

Dwarf Fortress is a game that I believe would be well suited to players who have enjoyed games like Rimworld. Both revolve around a randomly generated world in which the player is responsible for overseeing the activities, happiness, and lives of individuals in a colony, and as the friend who recommended this game once said to me "Rimworldis essentially just babby's first Dwarf Fortress."

From what I've been told the depth and unimaginably complex situations that are generated in this game are essentially never the same from one play through to the next and this is whereDwarf Fortressshines. Fair warning though, the learning curve steeps backwards before platueing.

2. Orcish Inn

This is a fairly new Steam Greenlit game and it's fairly simple. You are an orc. You run an inn. Your patrons want beer. You brew beer. Now you also have to grow barley and worry about whether or not your brew is too hoppy for your patrons, but aside from that it's seems like it will be an easy game to pick up.

I have watched a few youtubers play around with Orcish Innand initially it seems to be something betweenHarvest Moon and Terraria.

Currently Orcish Innis in alpha, but from what I've seen it's designed beautifully and there will hopefully be many new features to look forward to in the future. And hey, it's free, so you might as well give it a try!

3. Besiege

Once again, this game makes the list because I believe it would be simple to pick up, and deliver on the fun while not taking up a huge amount of time.

The singular goal of Besiegeis to build an ransacking vehicle/contraption/apparatus/thing that is capable of destroying a set target. The only real limitation is a modest height restriction, your imagination, and surprisingly good in game physics.

Like Orcish Innthis game is in early access alpha and is currently a little lacking in terms of the volume of content available, but if the alpha is an accurate indicator of what we can expect from the final product I think this game will be well worth themodest price tag of $7.79 CDN. There is really nothing more to be said about Besiege. If you like building, and you like destroying, you'll like Besiege...probably.

This article has been imported from the old site and is no longer maintained. It may contain outdated information.

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