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Top 10 Most Iconic Swords in Video Games

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As someone who plays a lot of fantasy games, swords are among my favorite weapons to use in battle. They are well known, easy to use, and half the time they often integral to the plot of the game. That being said, there are few swords that just stand out quite a bit more than the standard medieval weapon. So I present to you my top 10 list of the most memorable and iconic swords in the gaming industry in no particular order.

(Please keep in mind that my opinions may or may not reflect your own, this list is entirely biased)

The Revolver Gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII

Squall Leonheart's Revolver

Squall Leonhart's weapon of choice, this kick-ass blade is basically a single-edged broadsword with an over-sized 6-shooter revolver as the hilt. If you pull the trigger on it, it sends a shock wave up the blade making it vibrate which inflicts a more devastating cut. This weapon makes the most impact in the opening cut-scene just before you are given the option of naming your character.

The Valiantium Blade from The Wonderful 101

Wonder Blue and his Valiantium Bladd

Said to become even sharper every time it slices into its enemies, the Valiantium Blade can act as a lightning rod to divert electrical currents, reflect lasers back at their sender, cut the thickest steel construction cables and can even be used as a key to unlock blast doors in certain locations. The only real flaw it has is its wielder as he is a hot-headed, arrogant jerk that only cares about his own selfish goals over the safety of his comrades. He eventually learns his lesson, but not after putting his entire team's lives in peril to chase after his own personal vendetta. Remember, a sword is an extension of its handler and is only as good as the person who wields it. Oh, and here's a little Easter Egg, the Valiantium Blade is also in Bayonetta 2 as the main weapon of the angel Valiance albeit in a different form.

The High-Frequency Blade from the Metal Gear Solid/Rising series

Raiden's HF Blade from Revengeance

A technologically advanced Japanese katana made by the government that can cut the most durable of alloys due to it being able to resonate at a frequency so high that it separates materials at the molecular level. This blade has actually been in the possession of two previous owners before it finally found its way to Raiden, A.K.A. Jack the Ripper, and it is his weapon of choice during the events of Metal Gear Solid 4 and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. The blade is incredibly powerful and can be seen cutting an unmanned Metal Gear RAY unit completely in half during the prologue chapter of Revengeance, but while it is very strong, it kinda plays second fiddle to Gray Fox's Fox Blade which could be only obtained in the game when you pre-ordered the game at GameStop. Never really liked pre-order DLC bonuses because of that.

The Z-Saber from the Mega Man X/Zero series

Zero wielding his Z-Saber

A high tech weapon from the year 21XX, the Z-Saber is Maverick Hunter Zero's weapon of choice for hunting down the generals of Sigma's army of rogue androids. It projects a solid beam of energy from its hilt and is about meter in length, but what makes it special is that like X, Zero's sword can also copy the abilities of the Mavericks that he's defeated in battle. It can change into steel, ice, fire, lightning, plasma and can even destroy enemy shots with ease. X has even used this weapon to great effect in Mega Man X6 in Zero's absence before finally returning it to its rightful owner in the Mega Man Zero games. It's basically just a lightsaber from Star Wars only better.

The Keyblade from Kingdom Hearts

The Kindome Key

Destined to be used by the one who will save the worlds from the Heartless and the Nobodies, the Keyblade is a sword of great power that can change its shape depending on what kind of keychain is clipped onto its pommel. Because of its ability to lock the door to the heart of a world, it plays great importance and a very heavy burden on its wielder, Sora. In reality though, there are actually many keyblades all which now rest at an old battlefield called the Keyblade Graveyard where a large scale war once took place.

Soul Calibur and Soul Edge from the Soul Calibur series

The Broken Destiny, a fusion of Soul Calibur/Edge

Now, I know that they are technically two separate swords, but because of them both being pretty equal in power and magical influence, I have little choice but to consider them the same weapon (Especially considering the fact that they were once one blade at one point in their history, picture on the left). These two swords are basically two sides of the same coin, one is of light and the other of darkness. This is also reflected by the fact that the ones who wield them are good and evil variations of the same person. Soul Calibur is the weapon of choice of Siegfried and his demonic alter-ego Nightmare uses the Soul Edge in battle. "Transcending history, and the world, a tale of swords and souls eternally retold." Ahh, I'll never get tired of hearing that phrase.

The Energy Sword from the Halo series

An Elite's Energy Sword

As the name suggests, this is a sword made of energy, but the symbolism the sword represents within the Halo lore is actually quite fascinating. It states only the highest ranking elites can wield these blades. While these specific Elites are not allow to marry, they have the privilege to mate with any female they want regardless if they have a spouse or not. This is so they can preserve the lineage of sword wielders for as long as possible. Lore aside, this weapon is also very powerful as it can one-hit-kill any enemy as long as it is a sneak attack in the back. Seems a little cheap, but it gets the job done.

The Blades of Chaos from the God of War series

One of the Blades of Chaos

These weapons of mass bloodshed are wielded by everyone's favorite screaming Spartan, Kratos, but he doesn't use these swords by choice. When he pledged his loyalty to Ares, the God of War, he painfully chained the two blades to Kratos's arms. This gave him the power he needed to destroy his enemies with ease, but he was cursed to be Ares warrior-slave until the day he died. These swords are brutal, jagged, unholy weapons meant only to be used to kill and they certainly do their job without fail.

The Master Sword from The Legend of Zelda series

The Master Sword in all of its glory

The all powerful "blade of evil's bane." This sword was forged with the power of the gods with the intent of being the weapon of choice for the Goddess Hylia's chosen hero. This masterfully crafted one-handed longsword also housed the spirit Fi, a calculative construct whose sole purpose was to serve the chosen hero until he completed his task. The blade strikes fear in all of the evil beings of the land and the only one who dared to fight its power was the Demon King Ganondorf and all of his reincarnated forms across the space/time continuum.

The Monado from Xenoblade Chronicles

The great sword that was once wielded by the titan known as the Bionis, this blade of unfathomable power gives its wielder the ability to see visions of the future. Forged by the god Zanza to manipulate and focus the ether energy of the world, it is used to shape and mold whatever the blade's wielder sees fit. It cannot harm the people that now live on the corpse of the dead Bionis, but it can harm the machines from the opposite titan known as the Mechonis with ease. Plus there is a bit of a secret behind its history, but you'll have to play the game yourself to find out. No spoilers here!

Well, that's my list folks, if you disagree with my choices, tell me why in the comments and what you would have chosen instead. Until then, I'll be seeing you.

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