Write & Publish Your Own Articles
Write Articles Your Way
Create professional-quality articles with an intuitive editor. Add titles, featured images, games, tags, ratings and format your text with a powerful content editor.
You can also change how your articles work with options like:
- Enabling or disabling comments.
- Spoiler warnings.
- Scheduling future publication dates.
- Visibility (public, link-only, subscribers-only, or password protected).

A Powerful Editor
Novogamer's editor is designed to make writing articles easy and fun. It's a block-based editor that allows you to add and rearrange blocks of content with ease.
It supports a variety of content types like text, images, videos, and more. You can also embed content from other sites like YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
Each block can be styled with different formatting and background colors to make your articles stand out.

Manage Your Articles
Keep track of all your articles in one organized dashboard. View basic stats like views, likes, bookmarks, and comments for each piece (and more detailed stats on the Analytics page).
Easily manage and filter your articles to stay on top of your content workflow.